Concrete batching and mixing plant
Concrete batching and mixing plant have a variety of operating systems to choose from, fully automatic, semi-automatic and manual operation. Concrete batching mixing plant mainly includes mixing system, aggregate batching system, aggregate lifting system, metering system, control system, powder stored silos and other supporting components of the system. Among them, the control system is the brain of the whole concrete batching plant. Then which operating system is more suitable for us?

1,fully automatic control system, that is, sand and gravel aggregate, weighing, conveying, stirring and unloading all automatic operation, no manual intervention is required, the manual only needs to start the button before starting the feeding; the concrete batching plant automatic system operation is simple, the degree of automation is high, and the integrated monitoring and remote operation can be integrated. Although the investment cost in the early stage is relatively high, the manpower is saved, and it is an ideal operating system for large and medium-sized engineering roads and bridges.
2, semi-automatic operating system, semi-automatic system is generally used in engineering mixing station, its use of fewer components, control system operation can have manual operation, control concrete ratio, failure can be manually interrupted operation, etc., the input cost is moderate, flexible operation. It is very popular with engineering projects, and small town concrete mixing plant can also be used.
3, manual operation, the manual operation of the concrete batching and mixing plant is generally operated by the electric control cabinet, the input cost is low, the output of the concrete is closely related to the operation proficiency of the operator. The advantage is that the equipment covers a small area, and the equipment is flexible and convenient to be removed. The disadvantage is that labor costs are higher.
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