Haomei YHZS series mobile concrete batching plant
The mobile concrete batching plant is a concrete production equipment that integrates the material storage, weighing, conveying, mixing, discharging and automatic control system of the concrete mixing plant with a concrete trailing unit. When it comes to the course of action, operation, maintenance and repair, they are all the same as stationary concrete batching plant. At the same time the mobile concrete batching plants have unique characteristics with mobile and flexible, easy disassembly, quick and simple storage management. The mobile concrete batching plants are the best machine for mobile public works construction like railways, bridges, ports, water and electricity projects.

Haomei YHZS series mobile concrete batching plant named method: Y means mobile, H means concrete, Z means batching plant, S means twin-shaft mix host, therefore official name is “mobile concrete batching plant. Currently mobile concrete batching plant is divided into two kinds of type, tractor and trailer. Its main features are mainly three aspects. 1, Removable fast, easy to move. 2, Other performance and mode of operation all the with the principle of stationary concrete batching plant. 3, All parts of the transport unit dimensions are smaller than the container empty size requirements, the whole plant transport to be three 40-foot container.