Eight steps of JS1000 Concrete Mixer maintenance

After the JS1000 concrete mixer has complete all the concrete mixing for the customers, and there will be not mixing lately, you need to do cleaning and maintenance work to JS1000 concrete mixer, some customers just leave the machine side with out any treatment, until the next use, they will find that the internal product of concrete slurry all condensed into the mixing bucket, directly with a sledgehammer to make the concrete stirrer, this approach is extremely hurt the equipment, so HAOMEI Machinery will tell you how to clean up and maintain the concrete mixer as follows.

Eight steps of JS1000 Commodity Concrete Mixer Maintenance to extend the use life of the equipment.
1, Use water rinse clear the mixing tank and dust, sticky commodity concrete on the surface of the machine, cleaning the muffler regularly.
2, Cut off the power, lock the electrical box.
3, In the cold season should put the residual water in the water supply system out.
4, Pull up the hydraulic pump twice each working day, supply oil to sealing device of the shaft end, and put oil between the open gear(summer: HJ40; winter: HJ30) or coated with ZN-3 grease. Apply grease to the cylinder every week and apply ZG-3 grease to the piston. Remove the upper cylinder trachea connector every two weeks and inject a little HJ20 oil into the cylinder. Check the oil level and oil quality of the gearbox every month to add and replace of the oil, add ZG-3 grease in the cylinder sliding parts every six months.
5, Often check whether the leaves are loose, adjust the gap between the blade and liner, the maximum gap is 6mm.
6, Check the wear of the blade and liner regularly and replaced as appropriate.
7, Check the on-off gear regularly, adjust the tightness of the belt, so as not to slip wear.
8, The overhaul period of JS1000 commodity concrete mixer is about 4000h.



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